Changes to Patient Information
Please keep the practice informed of your up to date telephone number and if you change your name or address. Our change of details form can be collected from the Reception Desk or printed off from the link below. Proof of change is required in all circumstances - such as a letter with your new address on it and a copy of your marriage certificate or deed poll if your name has changed. If you return the form in person the Receptionist can witness these documents and return them to you but if you are posting this form in to us PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. If you return this form to us without the necessary proof it will not be processed.
Change of Details

You must also inform the appointments department of any hospital from which you are waiting for an appointment if you change address. If you have recently been referred by a GP and you are not sure where to contact, please notify one of our Secretaries.
Please note that if your change of address places you outside the practice boundary you will have to register with another practice.